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Associazioni di Comparatistica / Associations for Comparative Studies

Associazioni di comparatistica in Italia / Associations for Comparative Studies in Italy


Consulta Universitaria di Critica Letteraria e Letterature Comparate 

La Consulta Universitaria di Critica Letteraria e Letterature Comparate ha il compito di promuovere, favorire e coordinare ogni iniziativa volta ad ampliare e potenziare la presenza delle discipline attinenti la teoria e la critica della letteratura e lo studio comprato delle letterature nell’Università, nonché le iniziative scientifiche e culturali riguardanti la ricerca scientifica nel settore.

The Consulta Universitaria di Critica Letteraria e Letterature Comparate aims to promote, foster, and coordinate initiatives aiming to broaden and upgrade the presence of disciplines related to literary theory and criticism and the comparative study of literatures in universities, as well as cultural and scientific initiatives concerning research in this field.

Società Italiana di Comparatistica Letteraria (Sicl) 

La SICL si occupa di comparatistica letteraria nel senso più ampio, comprendendovi indagini di fenomeni comparatistici tra autori, opere, movimenti, scuole ecc. appartenenti a differenti aree linguistico-culturali (prevalentemente di ambito europeo: ma si tratta di una limitazione di fatto, non di principio), ma anche confronti con altre forme di espressione artistica (quali musica, cinema, arti figurative).

SICL deals with literary comparative studies in the broader sense of the expression, including the observation of comparative phenomena between authors, works, movements, schools of thought, etc. belonging to different linguistic-cultural areas (mostly European, but the limitation is merely de facto, not on principle), as well as between different forms of artistic expression (such as music, cinema, figurative arts).


Associazione Sigismondo Malatesta 

L’Associazione Sigismondo Malatesta è un’istituzione culturale privata che dal 1988 promuove e realizza, in diverse città italiane, iniziative nei seguenti ambiti: letteratura, teatro, cinema, economia, scienze storiche e sociali, beni culturali.

The Sigismondo Malatesta Association is a private cultural organization that, since 1988, has been promoting and organizing initiatives in the following fields in several italian cities: literature, theatre, cinema, economy, history and social studies, and cultural heritage.

Associazioni di comparatistica nel mondo / Associations for Comparative Studies in the World


American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA)

Associazione fondata nel 1960 e assai attiva. Il sito presenta un’utile sezione di Resources, con vari link ed elenchi di riviste di comparatistica.

The American Comparative Literature Association was founded in 1960 and has been active ever since. Its website has a useful Resources section, with several links to and lists of comparative literature journals.

Associação Brasileira de Literatura Comparada (ABRALIC) 

A Associação Brasileira de Literatura Comparada – ABRALIC é uma associação civil de caráter cultural, sem fins lucrativos, que congrega professores universitários, pesquisadores e estudiosos de Literatura Comparada em âmbito nacional.

The Brazilian Comparative Literature Association (Associação Brasileira de Literatura Comparada – ABRALIC) is a cultural non-profit association that brings together Comparative Literature university professors, researchers, and scholars on a national level.


Association of Departments and Programs of Comparative Literature (ADPCL)

The purposes of the ADPCL as an organization of administrators shall be to promote the interests of departments, programs, and other academic units of Comparative Literature in colleges and universities primarily (but not limited to) those in North America, this to be done in cooperation with the American Comparative Literature Association and the Modern Language Association.


British Comparative Literature Association (BCLA)

Nata nel 1975, è l’omologo britannico dell’ACLA. Il sito contiene esaurienti informazioni sulle attività dell’associazione (membri, convegni, pubblicazioni) e utili link ad altre associazioni, centri e programmi di comparatistica nel mondo.

The British Comparative Literature Association (BCLA) was funded in 1975, and it’s the British counterpart of ACLA. The site provides comprehensive information concerning the activities of the association (members, conventions, publications) as well as useful links to other associations, centres, and comparative literature associations in the World.


Canadian Comparative Literature Association (CCLA)

The Canadian Comparative Literature Association was founded in 1969. It gathers together scholars across Canada interested in Comparative Literature and organizes yearly meetings at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. CCLA members are also members of the International Comparative Literature Association and receive the Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue canadienne de littérature comparée (founded by the association in 1974).


Comparative Literature Association of India

The Comparative Literature Association of India (CLAI) is the national association for scholars and students of Comparative Literature in India. It is actively engaged in propagating the case for a more holistic study of literature and culture using the tools of comparative literary studies.


Comparative Literature Association of Ireland

The Comparative Literature Association of Ireland was created in 2007. Ireland’s higher education sector is rich in comparative studies, with postgraduate degree courses, undergraduate options, research groups and centres being set up in several institutions. Amid these shared methodologies and interests, concerns and approaches, the Association fosters dialogue between colleagues inside and outside Ireland, and a forum for discussion and debate. As a country that brings together different national histories and cultures, full of language diversity, living on the edge of Europe and connected to the outside world in so many ways, Ireland is a natural site for comparative studies.


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft (DGAVL)

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft (DGAVL) ist für den deutschsprachigen Raum der Fachverband der Komparatisten. Hochschulwissenschaftler und Studierende, aber auch interessierte Laien sind in der DGAVL zusammengeschlossen, um in Forschung, Lehre und Studium die internationale, Grenzen überschreitende Literaturwissenschaft zu fördern.


European Society of Comparative Literature/ Société Européenne de Littérature Comparée – ESCL/SELC

The European Society of Comparative Literature/Société Européenne de Littérature Comparée ESCL/SELC is an association that has been actively promoting CompLit since 2003. Over time, it has gathered almost a 1000 members and over 4500 followers on Facebook. ESCL/SELC has organized 8 international biennial congresses attracting participants from every corner of the globe. ESCL/SELC aims to provide a European space for interdisciplinary dialogues about culture, literature and literary studies and to facilitate exchanges of ideas and information among scholars, promoting international collaborative research and teaching, generating relevant debates through publications and international conferences, enabling the circulation of students and staff, and generally supporting and internationalising the work of regional, national, cross-national associations of comparative literature.


International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA)/Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée (AILC)

Associazione fondata nel 1954, che attualmente conta 4500 membri. Nella sezione Member Organizations si trova l’elenco delle associazioni nazionali aderenti alla Icla.

This association, founded in 1954, currently counts 4,500 members. The list of national associations adhering to ICLA can be found on their website, in the Member Organizations section.


Japan Comparative Literature Association (JCLA)

The JCLA promotes research on comparative literature and comparative culture; it aims to contribute to development in this field by cooperating with researchers and affiliated organizations both domestically and internationally.


Schweizerische Gesellschaft für allg. und vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft (SGAVL)
Association suisse de Littérature générale et comparée (ASLGC)

Die SGAVL will einen Beitrag zur Erforschung und Diskussion der allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft in der Schweiz leisten, Kontakte zwischen ForscherInnen, KritikerInnen, AutorInnen und ÜbersetzerInnen herstellen, den literarischen Austausch ermutigen – besonders zwischen den verschiedenen Sprachregionen der Schweiz – und sie strebt eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Organisationen in der Schweiz und im Ausland an, die ähnliche Ziele verfolgen. Die SGAVL plant und realisiert nationale Tagungen und Publikationen.

The Swiss Association for General and Comparative Literature (SGAVL/ASLGC) aims to work on the development of the study of general and comparative literature in Switzerland, to establish a connection among universities, critics, authors and translators, to promote literary exchanges, especially between Switzerland’s linguistic regions, and to collaborate with associations or groups of the same kind in Switzerland and abroad. The association also aims to organize national conventions and publications.


Slovenskega društva za primerjalno književnost / Slovenian Comparative Literature Association (SDPK/SiCLA)


Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada (SELGYC)

La Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada se fundó en Madrid en 1977, con el fin de fomentar los estudios de Literatura Comparada y de Teoría General de la Literatura. Cuenta en la actualidad con 297 socios y ha celebrado hasta el momento veinte simposios, siete en Madrid, dos en Barcelona, dos en Santiago de Compostela y uno en cada de las siguientes ciudades: Granada, Zaragoza, Huelva, León, Alcalá de Henares, Lucena (Córdoba), Alicante y Salamanca.

The Spanish Society for General and Comparative Literature was founded in Madrid in 1977, with the goal of promoting Comparative Literature and Literary Theory Studies. The organization has 297 members and so far has held twenty conventions, seven of which in Madrid, two in Barcelona, two in Santiago de Compostela and one in each of the following cities: Granada, Zaragoza, Huelva, León, Alcalá de Henares, Lucena (Córdoba), Alicante y Salamanca.


Société française de littérature générale et comparée (SFLGC)

La Société Française de Littérature Générale et Comparée a pour buts principaux de  travailler au développement de la littérature générale et comparée en France, d’unifier et d’organiser les activités comparatistes afin de faciliter l’enseignement et la recherche. Elle a également pour mission d’organiser la participation française aux activités comparatistes internationales (réseau européen, Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée (A.I.L.C, Fédération Internationale des Langues et Littératures Modernes (F.I.L.L.M), etc.

The French Society for General and Comparative Literature aims to work on the development of general and comparative literature in France to unify and organize the activities concerning comparative studies to facilitate teaching and research. The organization also aims to promote the participation of French scholars in international activities in the comparative field (réseau européen, Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée, Fédération Internationale des Langues et Littératures Modernes, etc.


The Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature (ACCL)

Fondata a metà degli anni ’80 come American Association of Chinese Comparative Studies ha cambiato nome e statuto nel 2000. Promuove studi letterari sul campo cinese attraverso scambi tra studiosi.

The Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature was founded in the mid-80s as “American Association of Chinese Comparative Studies” and changed its name and by-laws in 2000. This association promotes literary studies in the chinese field through exchanges between scholars.